Dear Reader,
we are pleased to inform you about the following novelty: For the first time, scientists from the FEAT Foundation have unraveled a mystery that is thousands of years old, examining the causes, active mechanisms and the detailed functioning of the Asian (originally Korean) Panax Ginseng ("PG").

The first time this PG root was mentioned in writing was at the beginning of the Julio-Claudian imperial dynasty, but the history of its use probably stretches back around four and a half thousand years, making it one of the oldest and best-known natural medicine plants on the planet. It became popular worldwide largely due to its versatility, having been used primarily in traditional Asian medicine (in China, Korea, etc.) for treating a wide range of illnesses. For example, it represents the classic "balanced yin and yang," which is why it is still considered effective for long life in harmony and health. So far, so good.
Out of the confusing assortment of healing powers attributed to this root, some proven and some frequently only imagined, there emerged the idea of a "Sus lactaria lanea ovipara" for health, potency, well-being, and more, especially in the Western hemisphere. This lead to PG being used by the "anti-aging” industry, with increasing profitability, whilst consideration of the healing diversity offered by PG is giving way more and more to maximization of profit. The name Panax (from Ancient Greek pan, via Latin (with the meaning of "world" or "all", also meaning "good shepherd” or "shepherd god") and akos ("means of salvation or healing") already points to its immense spectrum of efficacy (briefly and roughly translated, we have panacea (a universal remedy)). First, a few words about PG itself:
PG belongs to the plant genus Araliaceae (ivy plants). The closest native species in Europe is the ivy, Hedera. PG mainly thrives in tropical zones, which also explains the high ginsenoside content in the PG root: Because where there are high levels of moisture and heat, there is also a breeding ground for all kinds of microorganisms, including countless eukaryotes (especially fungi) and innumerable prokaryotes (bacteria, archaea, etc.). And in such a profuse organic multi-microcosm, where the emergence and death of billions and billions of cellular entities are happening at the same time in the shortest of intervals in a tiny space, rot and decay will always spread quickly. In order to protect these ivy-like tropical creepers from the omnipresent putrefactive bacteria, PG mobilizes a powerful army of immunizing "resistance troops” in the form of the aforementioned ginsenosides, particularly focused in its root.
Today, PG is available on the market in many different forms, such as tablets, capsules, cosmetics, tinctures, beverages, soups, etc. The many pharmacologically valuable substances are referenced all too frequently - ginsenosides, polyacetylenes, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, steroids, phenols, alkaloids, peptidoglycans (panaxanes), polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, etc. - yet most suppliers have almost no knowledge of the causes, the mechanisms of action and the modes of functioning of these PG "healing substances" amounting to little more than a belief that the central role in all of this is taken by the ginsenosides. However, "ginsenosides” is not a very precise umbrella term, since they belong to the group of saponins, which - due to their structural diversity - can be present themselves in many different forms and in a variety of ways, e.g., in marine organisms (sea cucumbers, starfish, etc.) – and plants.
However, the ginsenosides in the PG root have a remarkable and unique selling point compared with the saponins in common use. These belong to the triterpene saponins, which influence the glucose metabolism in such a way that the glycogen formed in this process, and stored as carbohydrate in human fatty tissue, is counteracted antioxidatively (glycogenolysis), whereas the polyacetylenes contained in the PG root (as neurotransmitters) play a decisive role in the neurobiological transmission of the synapses, and the sesquiterpenes, in turn, are decisive for helping with antimicrobial defense.
With regard to the PG adaptogens (an alternative medical term for biologically active plant substances that are supposed to help the human organism adapt to conditions of increased physical and emotional stress), there have so far been more contradictory views than scientifically substantiated arguments. So what have the FEAT Foundation scientists discovered? In the interest of better understanding, we will dispense with use of jargon and summarize by means of an allegorical simplification as follows:
Saponins are commonly known as "soap” (Latin sapo). As mentioned above, this umbrella term can also include the ginsenosides in the PG root. There is a good reason for this terminology: If we want to eat, we wash our hands with soap beforehand, to get rid of any harmful germs. Similarly, but in a much more complex and multi-layered way, those ginsenosides work tirelessly to pick out and flush out the putrefactive (rot-inducing) microbes in the PG root, so that the whole plant is helped with the immunizing struggle of resistance - bringing it relief. We have already looked at this complementary defensive function in ©Immuxøl, where we highlighted an aspect, in contrast to hop polyphenols, that supports the immune defense primarily in such a way that additional immunizing resources are then made available for defense protection via relief/release from the putrefactive bacteria. In this regard, we recall our short trip to the Hunza Valley:

The Hunza Valley is a sparsely populated plateau in the Karakorum Himalayas, the subject of dispute between Pakistan, India and China. Statistics show that the approximately 20,000 Hunzakuts who live there have an above-average life expectancy combined with below-average figures for diseases. This is due to (A) the unique consistency of the naturally pure oxygen-rich spring water there (source of the Indus River) and (B) the minerals contained in this water (Hunza minerals or "HM"). These float undissolved in the water due to a combination of their high specific surface area and their small and fine particle size distribution. Their bent ends carry a particularly high specific charge. Their outline is polygonal. Ingestion of these minerals (together with the oxygen-rich water) leads to immediate binding of toxic metabolic waste products in the large intestine, which dramatically strengthens the human immune system. However,
as there is a prevailing maximum concentration of coliform bacteria permanently in the large intestine, this organ therefore represents the greatest continuous stress on our immune system. This is where the HMs come into play: Because of the millions of free valences in the form of their bent ends, they can take over massive amounts of coliform bacteria in the large intestine, and excrete them harmlessly.
These putrefactive bacteria or cell tissue destroyers are, as we know, the most effective agents for decomposition. Consequently, the large intestine also contains the most powerful component of our immune system. With the help of HMs, however, the enemies of life (a.k.a. coliform bacteria) produced there continuously can be absorbed in such a way that they are neutralized as soon as they are produced, and can then be quickly and harmlessly eliminated. If HMs are added to our digestive tract in the form of naturally pure oxygen-rich water, therefore, our large intestines will have significantly fewer putrefactive bacteria. As a result, the strongest part of our immune system, which is located there, is eased to such an extent that its newly-released resources are sent via the autonomic nervous system (controlled by the hypothalamus) to weak points where, for example, cancerous diseases - mainly virus-induced - are waiting urgently for immunizing support.
Conclusion: Polyphenols (especially in hops) are mostly found in the plant seeds or fruits, whereas saponins are mainly found in the roots (see above comparison of large intestine). Accordingly, the saponins (analogous to HMs in the large intestine) complement or relieve the polyphenols in their immunizing defense action.
Transferring this roughly to human medicine, these PG triterpene saponins operate via glycogenolysis by influencing our glucose metabolism, as mentioned above, such that the glycogen formed in the process and stored as carbohydrate is counteracted antioxidatively. After all, all excess "old fat”(“metabolized temporary waste disposal") always claim the immunizing resources that are much more urgently needed elsewhere The above-mentioned PG triterpene saponins are therefore involved proactively in the intercellular recycling process of the human body and thus help to keep our defenses ready to carry out their actual protective function. In this context, we also need to mention the polyacetylenes contained in the PG root, which play a decisive role in neurobiological synapse transmission - and also therefore in physical fitness:
Because in permanently humid tropical soil, there are complete microcosms engaged in the struggle for life and death, insofar as the decomposition of dying cellular entities is progressing faster than the rate at which new microbes can be born or grown, the PG root contains the polyacetylenesmentioned earlier, with their unique electrical conductivity, assisting the new birth of cellular entities by means of billions of tiny electrical impulses. This singularity in nature is also beneficial to our mental performance, as the polyacetylenes function primarily in our brain as neurotransmitters, helping to facilitate synapse transmission. In this regard:
It should be firstly noted that polyacetylenes are themselves plant defense substances, protecting against fungi as well as many other plant pathogens. In particular, they occur in all three bonds (this will be explained in the next section). The most important representatives are: Panaxynol, Panaxydol, Falcarindiol. They are found in plants and lichens, mosses, sea sponges, marine algae, insects, tunicates, frogs - and also, minimally, in humans. In total, we know of more than two thousand polyacetylenes. Of these, about half can be found in the plant family Asteraceae, to which PG primarily belongs. In addition, they are also present in higher concentrations in the Apiaceae group (parsley, fennel, celery, carrots, etc.) apart from the Araliaceae group. Among these, the C17 polyethyne (panaxynol together with the epoxide variant panaxydol) stands out, with its exceptionally high bioactivity in the PG root, which is why it would be highly valuable for human medicinal purposes.
Polyacetylene (also polyethyne) is a polymer of ethyne, which has 3 isomers (1. trans-polyethyne, 2. cis-polyethyne and the unstable cis-cisoid polyethyne), all of which are present in PG. Although polyethyne itself is an electrical insulator, it becomes conductive through the "doping” process. This process can be implemented in two ways: (A) for p-doping, foreign atoms are implanted, which act as electron acceptors, whereas (B) for n-doping electron donors are supplemented, which also ensures the "polar voltage balance” in the PG root at the same time. Polyethyne doping is carried out ultimately by conductive minerals present in soil (all elements are continuously ionized, usually, and therefore exposed to electrical voltage to varying degrees). Polyethyne was the first polymer in which electrical conductivity was established. However, because this doped (conductive) polyethyne reacts with oxygen in air, and thus loses its conductivity, this process can usually only take place in the PG root tract, which is as low in oxygen as possible (analogous to our relatively oxygen-poor blood, which is considered low in oxygen for polyethyne, since oxygen is usually bound by iron (hemoglobin) beforehand).
Since ginsenosides - and therefore also polyethyne - hardly get into our blood, let alone into our brains, due to lack of bioavailability, a particularly effective transmitter is required, which much like ©Immuxøl, takes the form of that powerful vitamin C. On the other hand, however, in order to carry out the necessary doping for conductivity, (Latin dotare = „provide“) only a very small amount of conductive additive is necessary (in comparison with the carrier material between 0.1 and 100 ppm). This additive is the conductive and, at the same time, immune-boosting mineral/metal zinc (the 13th most conductive metal, compared to iron, which is 22nd). The daily dose indicated on the ©Panaxeng box must not be exceeded, especially to avoid the risk of an electrical overload (in an unlikely case).
At this point, we would like to recall how, in the case of ©Immuxøl, there is an amphoteric secondary property of riboflavin-5-phosphate sodium salt (in the form of RPN), discovered by the FEAT Foundation scientists, whereby RPN is able to bind the mineral zinc to itself (after being introduced into the brain by Vitamin C) in order to then transport it out through the cerebral cortex: RPS breaks down during metabolization into riboflavin and sodium phosphate. In this way, vitamin B2 (VB2) also reaches the brain without a barrier and, after being decoupled from trisodium phosphate ((C17H20N4NaO9P → C17H20N4O6 + Na3PO4) can also develop its "prophylactic" and convalescent effects.
The sodium phosphate thus decoupled from VB2 bonds with the zinc that has made its way into the brain with the help of VC as a transmitter thanks to the amphotheric secondary property achieved by its previous substitution (made possible by free valances!), and smuggles the latter back out through the brain as follows without causing harm, in the form of zinc phosphate -quantum satis- : C17H20N4NaO9P → C17H20N4O6 + Na3PO4 | Zn + Na3PO4 → 3Na + ZnPO4
In this way, the nutritional supplement known as ©Panaxeng features 5 unique characteristics at once:
PG polyethyne enters the brain with the help of VC, which also increases its overall bioavailability.
Adding VC, VB2 and zinc also unquestionably increases immune defense.
The bioavailability of VB2 is significantly increased in combination with Na and P, and as RPS.
The amphotheric additional property of RPS allows zinc to be admitted harmlessly - even into the brain.
Due to the presence of zinc in the brain, the singular electrical conductivity of PG polyethyne comes into play in its synapse transmission assistance in the first place - firstly and singularly!
PG, Panax Ginseng (人蔘屬, rénshÄ“n, meaning "human root," synonymous with "manhood"), is regarded in Asia as a semi-mythical, semi-medicinal, all-purpose weapon against all kinds of illnesses, but in Western cultural circles it has the fragile reputation of enhancing potency in men and making them particularly physically and mentally powerful. In addition, there are numerous health promises circulating, e.g., PG active ingredients are stimulating, heart-strengthening, stress-reducing, adaptogenic, anti-aging, cancer-healing, allergy-reducing, antithrombotic, antidiabetic, antisclerotic, convalescent, hair-loss preventing, wrinkle-reducing, etc.
However, there is the Dec. 20 2006 Health Claims Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 of the EU Parliament & Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods and thus also on food supplements: ©Panaxeng is one of the latter. Regardless of this (compliance with the regulation is a matter of course), we have nevertheless decided always and only to advertise a permitted "health claim” for ©Panaxeng, provided that there is also irrefutability (plausibility), according to our scientific research. PG effectiveness is summarized here as follows:

©Panaxeng supports our immunizing defenses.
©Panaxeng helps to break down and remove carbohydrate stored in fat.
©Panaxeng helps to stabilize physical performance levels.
©Panaxeng helps with fatigue and exhaustion with a mental performance boost.
©Panaxeng also regulates our blood sugar balance and supports us in the respiratory chain.
©Panaxeng is proactively involved in the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) and thus helps us to reduce negative stress.