sententia per scientia
FEAT promotes science and research. It is the archetypical university. Highly gifted scientists make up its international community of researchers. These scientists are nonconformists to the effect that their work is impartial and interdisciplinary! The bylaws for promotion serve the interests of the common weal. Hand-picked universities and companies cooperate within its working group in adherence to a framework agreement. The companies involved in the project ensure project capitalization. The scientists at FEAT are the pinnacle among the best academic talents, the scientific explorations of whom (in contrast to those of university graduates) are “merely” groundbreaking. Exceptionally talented scientists develop practical, marketable solutions based on their research. This way, by promoting science and research, FEAT contributes to its coexistential social acceptability. FEAT foundation selects its cooperation partners based on these criteria. Society’s existential hardships have given rise to the need for this foundation. The greatest challenge is securing the basis of our existence: water! In addition to plastic islands the size of Europe, radiation, toxic polymers, heavy metals, feces, and sometimes even deadly pathogens pollute the H2O circulating the global organism. This gives rise to diseases, some of them new, from which no one can really be safe. Not to mention the lasting destruction of our ecosystem. Scientific solutions are what the scientists at FEAT strive to find by working together across all faculties. The transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research is conducted in the spirit of the aforementioned cooperation. Among other things, an enormous amount of funding is key to gaining control over such global problems. However, these funds are of little use if they are not invested in ways that enable congenial scientists find solutions that can make an impact. How the solutions developed by the microbiochemists, nuclear physicists, geomathematicians, fossil mineralogists, hydrogeologists and biologists, bacteriologists, virologists, etc. from the »house of FEAT« are handled, is the designated responsibility of the policymakers of our virulent world.
Here a compilation of selected »ABC projects« to exemplify the work that FEAT promotes:
Atomic energy waste disposal:
The goal is to transmute long-lasting components into more non-durable ones with nuclear reactions using free neutrons to make radioactive waste less dangerous. Primarily, the project aims to break down the minor actinides neptunium (Np-237), americium (Am-241, Am-243), and curium (Cm-245), which have a long half-life and are, therefore, particularly dangerous. In practice, a particle accelerator propels protons in vacuo to make them collide with fast-flowing heated metal. As a result, neutrons are dislodged from the “target” (the term for the matter sample exposed to the accelerator beam). It then propels these neutrons towards highly radioactive waste, transforming its atoms into less radioactive particles. The waste products resulting from the fission in the molten salt reactor are reintroduced into the circuit immediately. This reduces the resulting amount nuclear waste at the end of the reactor's service life to only a fraction of that of its "conventional" counterpart. A refitted reactor with an external source of neutrons would even make it possible to only use nuclear waste. As an advantage, the reactor can shut down as soon as the release of neutrons ceases. For example, it would be possible to fire neutrons at Uranium-235 and, within weeks, the uranium isotope would break down to stable, non-radioactive isotopes. The exact synthesis of the final isotopes, however, highly depends on which elements the nuclear reactor processes, the time they remained in it, and how many neutrons it fired at them! A reactor refitted to a "transmutation plant" (a "waste management reactor"), can even generate power without producing waste, rebutting the political objections that such a process would consume an irresponsible amount of energy. While it may be true that the above-mentioned particle accelerator consumes 15% of this electricity (and the reactor itself requires another fractional amount), the larger remaining amount of energy can be fed into the grid. The intended purpose for this reactor would be, from the onset, to transform nuclear waste, not generate power. The main problem will be how to break down the nuclear waste into its components to then "transmute" them with their respective special treatment. While it is not very difficult to remove the highly dangerous element plutonium from the waste, the minor actinides (neptunium, americium, curium) are more difficult to process, as they are only present in minuscule amounts but are the more radioactive. FEAT provides the still missing knowhow.
Biological methods to purge the oceans from waste:
Our oceans have degenerated to gigantic waste dumps. Two areas the size of Europe made up of plastic bags, bottles, and all kinds of packaging! According to the Federal Environment Agency of Germany, there are about 140 million tons of waste floating about in the sea. This maritime plastic waste often is an incidental catch in the fishing nets. However, the fishermen throw this unwelcome catch back into the ocean as they would have to pay additional fees to dispose of it on land. Besides, the superficial waste is only a small part of the problem. Approx. 70% of this maritime garbage has long ceased to drift on the surface. Instead, it has sunk to deeper regions of the sea, creating large, life-destroying poisonous reservoirs. And this is where FEAT comes into play, namely by means of a new microbial-enzymatic recycling process for biologically harmless digestion or dissolution of marine plastic waste: Plastic is usually extracted from petroleum. Sometimes this occurs through the formation of numerous oxygen bridges. Since these are quite stable, the half-life of plastic is correspondingly high. However, in order to shorten it exponentially, it is absolutely essential to split these oxygen bridges. However, this can never be achieved without the help of exceptionally strong enzymes, which are in turn, harbored by gigantic bacteria with ± 600 amino acid sequences and therefore, require enormous amounts of energy. Logically, this means an excessive demand for oxygen. If there is not enough oxygen in the immediate vicinity (as is the case in or under water), the aforementioned enzymes literally pull it out of the plastic, by bursting oxygen bridges, thus causing the collapse of the plastic outside. These are usually gram-negative and aerobic bacteria. The fact that they are gram-negative and strictly aerobic offers two additional advantages of essential importance in the case of marine plastic waste:
Gram-negative bacteria, unlike gram-positive bacteria, have only 1 very thin murein shell, underlining the harmless biodegradability of plastic.
Aerobic bacteria of the size mentioned above are able to survive for a long time in water, but they also need an enormous amount of oxygen for this, which they "bite" out of the plastic, due to lack of availability, by breaking the oxygen bridges.

All in all, this microbial-enzymatic recycling process is based on the following three key factors:
Cultivation of giant bacteria by means of super-enzymes: both are produced by targeted oxygen deprivation as well as by precisely proportioned oxygen supply, under the influence of appropriate regulatory temperature-pressure ratios.
This lock and key principle also assumes the growth of the bacteria or enzymes to be largely determined by the consistency + concentration of their amino acids, which in turn increases their aggressiveness to necessarily supply oxygen. This is all the more true in water.
Once the plastic in water has been eaten, however, the greedy bacteria inevitable dies, since it has then run out of the resource it needs to survive. The plastic waste is, thus, converted back into life-friendly molecules without causing any damage and returned to the natural cycle.
Lastly, it should be noted that plastic binds enormous amounts of oxygen in water, which provides mega-food for the plastic-eating bacteria; the more the bacteria feed, the more efficient they become.
Chemo-physical water conditioning:
Problem statement: Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface. 97% of this water is salt water, 2% is polar and glacial ice and only 1% is potable freshwater. Demographic growth, urbanization, agriculture, and industry increasingly pollute our bodies of water. In the developing world, 70% of wastewater flows into dubious wastewater systems without being treated. Every year, more people die from polluted water than in the increasing number of wars. Defective pipelines moreover cause water shortages, where rotten plumbing leaks more than half of the water. In many countries, the state of the water supply system is so miserable that fresh water trickles out and evaporates. In Europe, power plants use 44% of the drawn water, agriculture uses 24%, 21% goes to the public water supply, and the industry consumes 11%. But all "waters of the earth" have one thing in common: they are contaminated! This also applies to glacier and polar ice, which is immediately poisoned as soon as it changes into the liquid aggregate state due to climate and environmental pollution. But it is not H2O, the water molecule par excellence, which is atomically contaminated, toxically polluted or afflicted by other causes of disease. Because water as such never changes, it always remains water and is thus probably the most perfect recycling invention of creation.
Solution approach: What makes the waters on earth health or life enemies, are the substances in it, which humans add to them everywhere. This is especially true with regard to the nuclear contamination of water, whereby again it is not the water molecule itself that is contaminated, but the many substances that it carries with it. And this is precisely where the solution to the problem lies: with the help of a technology developed by FEAT scientists, based on mathematical-physical calculations, an eccentric vacuum turbine with a sophisticated pressure-temperature-voltage regulator is used, the secret of which lies solely in the targeted harnessing of those natural forces to which we owe the aforementioned phenomenon, namely that water is probably the most efficient recycling invention in all of creation. Whether dinosaurs millions of years ago excreted the same water that we use today as drinking water, whether it has been contaminated by nuclear wars or whether it has absorbed mountains of poison, it is and remains – and will sometime – nevertheless always be pure water. The only factor that has caused water to degenerate into our health or life enemy today is the lack of time in which to recycle it. The FEAT turbine provides the acceleration. Its know-how is one of the best-kept secrets of the FEAT Group and will therefore not be explained in detail here. The same applies to this turbine sketch, which only illustrates the basic idea without disclosing the process sheets, recipe sizes and individual process steps.

Concluding note:
FEAT mayn’t be able to shoulder the challenges outlined above independently and bearing full responsibility, but it is not necessary either. Nevertheless, FEAT plays the key decisive role in the overall implementation and division of scientific research work described above. The renouncement to subjective, biased research is the basis of this cluster of tasks and is crucial for the success of our work, motivated by mutual sharing and coalescing of our scientific achievements. FEAT is a unifying force and hub for interaction for all research projects and scientific initiatives. It is the cradle and forge of the Newtons, Galileis and Archimedeses of tomorrow! Some of FEAT's achievements are published on our websites in abridged form (and in various languages because of the diverse locations). We express our deepest gratitude to our few, but reliable, comrades-in-arms for their thoroughgoing cooperation!