sententia per scientia
©IMMUXØL-Extract ingredients:
Specific ingredients
Polyphenols = 5,3 %
Essential oils = 1,2 %
Resins = 17,5 %
Non-specific ingredients
Sugar = 0,4 %
Water = 0,9 %
Cellulose = 6,5 %
Amino acids = 6,9 %
Salt = 7,8 %
Pectins = 11,9 %
Proteins = 15,3 %
Hop bitters
α-acids ß-acids
n-humulone n-lupulone residue = CH2CH(CH3)2
Cohumulone Colupulone residue = CH(CH3)2
Adhumulone Adlupulone residue = CH(CH3)CH2CH3
Prehumulone Prelupulone residue = CH2CH2CH(CH3)
Posthumulone Postlupulone residue = CH2CH3
Monomeric polyphenols:
Polyphenolic carboxylic acids = Flavonoids (Xanthohumol, Kaempferol, Quercetin, Catechin)
Heterocyclic polyphenols = Phenyl formic acid– and phenylacrylic acid
Polymeic Polyphenols:
Low molecular weight polyphenols = Procyanidines (proanthocyanidins, prodelphinidins)
Higher molecular weight polyphenols = Tannins + Catechin tannins
Quantified hop polyphenols:
Tannins + (C15H14O6)-/Catechin tannins = 41.300 mg / kg of hops
Quercetin(C15H10O7)flavonoids = 2.800 mg / kg of hops
Kaempferol(C15H10O6)flavonoids = 2.600 mg / kg of hops
Xanthohumol (C21H22O5) = 2.400 mg / kg of hops
Proanthocyanidines = 1.400 mg / kg of hops
Catechins + Epicatechins = 1.300 mg / kg of hops
Acylphloroglucinol derivates** = 700 mg / kg of hops
3-Phenylacrylic acid derivates (C9H8O2-derivates) = 300 mg / kg of hops
6-Prenylnaringenin = 110 mg / kg of hops
Phenyl formic acid derivates (C7H6O2-derivates) = 90 mg / kg of hops
**Comparable with the antiviral acylphloroglucinol derivatives which could be isolated from the species *Kanuka ericoides and *Kanuka sinclairii since 1992 (*Austro-Asian place name). The following two chemotypes are postulated for the essential oils of the first type: the widespread p-cymene-poor type (<5 %) and the ratherscarce p-cymene-rich type (5-30 %). However, both types contain α-pinene as the main component with a content of 40-80 %.
Essential hop oils (from approx. >300 aroma components):
Hydrocarbon fractions:
Sesquiterpenes C15-compounds (humulen etc.)
Monoterpenes C10-Verbindungen (myrcene etc.)

Oxygen fractions:
Various esters, ketones and aldehydes
Oxidized sesquiterpenes (caryophyllene oxide etc.)
Terpene alcohols (linalool etc.)

All in all in more detail:
9% monoacyl phloroglucide: Humulone (humulone, cohumulone, adhumulone, prehumulone, posthumulone) with 2 dimethylallyl side-chains each (= α- acids); and lupulone (lupulone, colupulone, adlupulone, prelupulone, postlupulone) with 3 dimethylallyl side-chains each(= ß- acids). < 1% essential oils: with main components: myrcene (C10H16), humulene + ß caryophyllene (C15H24), 2-undecanone [CH3(CH2)8COCH3]; split into hydrocarbon fractions: Monoterpenes (C10 compounds: myrcene, etc.), sesquiterpenes (C15 compounds:α-humulene, ß-caroyphyllene), farnesenes + selinenes (C15H24); and oxygen fractions: linalool (C10H18O), humulene epoxide + caryophyllene epoxide (C15H240), various esters along with ketones + aldehydes. 2% hard resins: (polar water-soluble) oxidation products of -α-/ß- acids and prenylflavonoids. 18% soft resins: (incl. α-/ß-acids). <1% monomers: Catechin + epicatechin (C15H14O6). <1% dimers: Procyanidin B3 [(catechin (4α→8)catechin) C15H14O6], prodelphinidin B3 [(gallocatechin(4α→8)catechin) C30H26O13]. 5.3% polyphenols: Xanthohumol (C21H22O5), kaempferol (C15H10O6)-flavonoids, quercetin-(C15H10O7)-flavonoids, 8.6-prenylnaringenin, 3-phenylacrylic acid derivatives (C9H8O2-derivatives), phenyl formic acid derivatives (C7H6O2-derivatives), tannins and (C15H14O6)-catechin tannins, flavanols + flavonol glycosides as well as flavanols and their dimers, proanthocyanidins (oligomers + polymers of polyphenolic flavan-3-ols: catechin + gallocatechin along with their epimers, procyanidins and prodelphinidins); isolated flavonol glycosides (glycosides of quercetin + kaempferol, with rutinosides and glucosides as their main compounds), acylphloroglucinol derivatives. <1% calcium carbonate (CaCO3(s) I 100.09 g·mol-1). <1% sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3(aq) I 84.01 g·mol-1 ). 15% proteins (with α-helix structure). 12% pectins (from α-(1.4)-glycosidically bound galacturonic acid units). 7% amino acids (D + L). 4 % dextrose (corn sugar). 12% cellulose (polysaccharide from 1.x · 104 ß-(1.4)-glycosidically linked ß-D-glucose-cellobiose units). 5% vitamin C (transmitter for polyphenols for the purpose of their improved bioavailability in the blood). 3% zinc and 3% vitamin B2. Carrier mass = maltodextrin: maltose and corn.